Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cheerful Giving

Each time that I have attended the village church, the time of offering has truly been the highlight of my day. Today was no different. It is a time of joy, singing, celebration and dancing and so different than anything that I have seen in the US! Today the people brought the first fruits of their tomato crops of offer before the Lord to thank Him for all that He has blessed them with. I wish that I had some video to share with you! But, since I don't, try to image it with me... it is a small, humble building. There are rocks piled on the tin roof so that it won't blow off in the wind and the rain. The door stands open to let in the light and the breeze. The entire room is bursting with the vibrant colors of patterned dresses and head wraps. Songs of jubilee and praise can be heard for miles around! The singing is joined with the beats of drums and everyone begins to clap their own rhythms, which blend together in perfect harmony. With sheer delight people begin dancing to the front of the church to present their offerings before the Lord. Everyone is out of their seats, dancing, laughing, singing, worshiping God with all they have in them. This is a picture of true beauty and generosity and it goes on for 20-30 minutes as people repeatedly dance to the front of the church to give their gifts.

Wow! Needless to say, I quickly felt convicted about the way that I give and the way that I view the things that I have been given in life. I have been so blessed, and I find that it is easy for me to get possessive of what I have. Today was a vivid and clear reminder that nothing I have is my own. Everything that I have is a gift from God and ultimately belongs to Him alone. The people that I met today have so little and yet they pour it out with such joy! I pray that I will have this same spirit of joy in generosity and laying all that I have at the feet of Jesus. I want to go dancing before the throne to pour out all that I have and all that I am. Because is it really even mine to begin with?

The Church is on the right and the pastor lives on the left...

Inside the church before the service started...

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