Monday, July 5, 2010

Greetings From Nigeria!

Although it may seem like I have dropped off the face of the blogging world, I am thrilled to report that I am back and out on a new adventure! I have arrived safely in Jos, Nigeria, where I will be living for the next month. I am staying with B2B missionaries and my dear friends, John and Corrie (check out their blog at the link on the right side of the screen)! Today was my second full day in Nigeria, yet my first day with energy after adjusting to the time change!

This morning we drove out to the bush to meet Katerina, and I would like to share a bit of her story with you because it has left a lasting impression on my heart. Katerina is German and she is married to a Nigerian man named Israel. Early in their marriage they both felt called by the Lord to open up a children's home for the orphans of the Rukuba tribe, especially for children who have been orphaned by the recent crisis. With this calling on their lives, they moved into the bush without fully knowing what was in store for them. Katerina described to us what it was like in that first year. She said, "We literally had nothing except our commission from God." No money, no electricity, no water, no house, no idea where food would come from each day. Yet everyday God provided for each of their needs, and as the money slowly comes in, they are able to continue building the home for the children that God has placed on their hearts. Hearing Katerina share her story and proclaim God's faithfulness, I was amazed at her courage, strength and faith.
Below are some picture of the home that is being built...

Katerina and Israel also have the desire to see the children in the village receive a quality education. Here are some pictures of the little school house that is being used until the home is completed. As a teacher, this school touched my heart and made me see how big the need for education truely is.

Well, it is dinner time, so I must run, but it is my goal to give short daily updates for the entire time that I am in Nigeria. So please, check back regularly and continue to pray for the work that is being done here!

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