Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Poetry Slam

Yesterday we wrapped up our poetry unit by having a poetry slam with the parents! Yep, Miss Jezyka made her debut (her first and possibly final performance)! :)

We kicked off the event with a little poetry battle. My students shared the poems that they had written throughout the unit. I was so proud of them!

After they shared their poems, we had some audience participation with a poetry slam! I had everyone write three random words on slips of paper and put them into a basket. I then drew out 5 words that they had 2 minutes to use those words in a poem.

Everyone had a blast, parents and students alike! It was hilarious to hear what everyone came up with! I loved seeing Ruby's kiddos get excited to share as well!

Yesterday was fun! Things like this get me excited about planning more events and engaging my students in learning in new ways. I feel like my time in Charlotte also gave me the burst of energy and excitement that I needed to finish the year strong. While I was there I spent a lot of time in the school that I was interviewing in, and it sort of acted as some informal professional development. It was so much fun to be back in a community of educators and hearing all of the innovative things that they are doing in their classrooms. This whole week I have felt inspired to try some new things and it has made each day different and exciting!

That's it for now!


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